So you want to knit! Part 1

Have you ever walked into a craft/yarn store and was overwhelmed by all the yarns and needles facing you? You see women whipping around needles making garments at lightening speed and think, “I could never do that, I’d hurt myself!”?

Bottom line, do you want to learn how to knit?

Last year, I was in the exact same spot you were. I had all of this knitting paraphernalia that was once my grandmother’s going to waste because I didn’t know what side of the needle to connect with the yarn. Also, there were different sizes of needles, different types of yarn and how did the two things go together?  I was flummoxed. Yes, I said, flummoxed.

So, let’s get you started because dang it, I need more knitting friends!

In this post I’m only going to focus on resources so that you can look at videos and books to determine if you want to pursue the fabulous world of knitting. You know you wanna, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. (Or you’re here because you’re our fabulous friends and family, in love with my writing.)


Stitch N’ Bitch – A great book with attitude that shows you the basics of how to handle needles and create thing with skulls on it. HELLO, SKULLS!!

Knitting without Tears – Breaks down knitting to the basics, with a few starter patterns that will get you on your way to knitting up the robot hat Lisa created.

And, in my opinion, those are the top two knitting books when you’re learning how to manipulate yarn.

But, if you’re like me, you need to see the knitting needles fly, like I do, then here is your primary video source: Knitting Help.  The owner of this site rocks my socks because, without her site, I wouldn’t be able to knit socks.

And if you want to see the craziness that is knitting, head over to Ravelry where you can meet up with people like me and Lisa. There are over 500,000 people signed up for Ravelry where there are tons of free patterns, knowledgeable people that want to help you with your knitting woes and others who are there just to have fun. I know, FUN!!!

Now, your assignment, click on the links and check knitting out. Seriously, if Lisa and I can accomplish it with no blood lost but with knitting goods gained, you can too!

This entry was posted in Crafts, Jen, Knitting, Learning to Knit. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to So you want to knit! Part 1

  1. lisapotato says:

    Regarding the “no blood lost” part of this post. I actually lost blood yesterday knitting. But don’t let that scare you. I was cutting the tail off Will’s robot hat after weaving it in, and I knicked my thumb. It wasn’t really that bad, but it counts!

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